Do You Ever Experience Any of the Following?

• Neuropathy

• Numbness or tingling

• Issues with circulation

• Intense brain fog

• Chronic pain or fatigue

• Insomnia

• Random spikes in your heart rate

• Inconsistent blood pressure

• Low energy

• Chest pain

• Shortness of breath

• Histamine issues

• Poor sleep or intense dreams

If these symptoms sound familiar, you might be experiencing signs of nervous system dysregulation. It’s not uncommon for such symptoms to be interconnected, often pointing to underlying issues within your autonomic nervous system.

Take the first step toward understanding your symptoms and find out if they might be connected to a broader issue by completing our evaluation.

Click 'next' below to start the evaluation.

Before You Proceed with the Symptoms Evaluation, please note the following:

By taking this assessment, you acknowledge and understand that it is intended solely for educational use and does not provide a diagnosis.

Additionally, you consent to sharing your personal medical information with The Integrated Health Foundation. This information may be used to identify patterns in autonomic disorders. All personal medical details will remain confidential, and no individual data will be disclosed.

Select all that apply.
Select all that apply
Select all that apply.
If you have not received a diagnosis, type 'none'.
If you have not received any other diagnosis, type 'none'.
Tell us if there was a time you started to notice your symptoms first develop, or if you can remember a particular event in your life when things started to change for you.
Select all that apply.
Select all that apply.
Select all that apply.
Select all that apply.
Select all that apply.
We will use this email to send you a report with your results.

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